Tibetan immigration

Tibetans form one of the smallest immigrant communities in both the United States and Canada;

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Schwenkfelder immigration

The Schwenkfelders were a small, pietistic sect that emigrated from southern Germany and lower Silesia in the Austrian Empire beginning in 1731.

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Quaker immigration

The Quakers, officially members of the Religious Society of Friends, were a pietistic Christian sect founded by George Fox in England in the 1640s.

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Pilgrims and Puritans

The Pilgrims and the Puritans were two theologically related Christian groups that developed within the Church of England in the 16th century.

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Mennonite immigration

Old Order Mennonites were one of the few immigrant groups to maintain their distinctive identity across more than three or four generations after coming to North America.

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Hutterite immigration

The Hutterian Brethren (Hutterites) are a communal Anabaptist Protestant sect that emigrated en masse from Russia to the United States in the 1870s.

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Huguenot immigration

French citizens who embraced the Protestant teachings of the 16th-century reformation were known as Huguenots.

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John Joseph Hughes (1797–1864) religious leader

As bishop (1838–50) and archbishop of New York (1850–64), John Hughes was among the most influential figures in what Roger Daniels calls the “Hibernization of the American Roman Catholic Church.”

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Amish immigration

The Amish are one of the few immigrant peoples to maintain their distinctive identity over more than three or four generations after migration to North America.

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Samuel P. Aheong (Siu Pheoung, S. P. Ahiona) (1835–1871) missionary

Samuel P. Aheong became one of the most influential Christian missionaries in Hawaii, encouraging the local Christian community to embrace newly arriving Chinese immigrants.

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