Frederick Haldimand (1718–1791) political leader

As governor of Quebec (1778–84), Sir Frederick Haldimand was most responsible for the resettlement of British Loyalists following the American Revolution (1775–83) (see Canada—immigration survey and policy overview).

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Henderson v. Mayor of New York (1876)

In the wake of the Immigration Act of 1875, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed previous decisions giving states “police power” over newly arriving immigrants, arguing that it infringed federal power to regulate commerce.

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Hispanic and related terms

The terms Hispanic and Latino have been broadly used to collectively designate the variety of minority groups in North America associated through a common use of the Spanish language.

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Home children

Between the 1860s and the 1930s, about 100,000 British children from urban slums were sent to Canada, where they were usually apprenticed as agricultural laborers or domestic servants until they came of age.

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Homestead Act (United States) (1862)

The Homestead Act was the result of steady opposition of workers’ groups, western settlers, and agrarians to the U.S. government’s policy of using western lands as a source of revenue.

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Honduran immigration

As the poorest country in Central America, Honduras has become an important source country for northward migration since the 1960s.

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Houston, Texas

Long a sleepy backwater nestled on Galveston Bay, by the turn of the 21st century Houston had grown to more than 1.9 million (more than 4 million in the metropolitan area), making it the fourth largest city in the United States and the second busiest port.

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Henry Hudson (ca. 1550–1611) explorer

The English navigator Henry Hudson was known for sailing farther north than any European had previously as he searched for the fabled northern passage to Asia.

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Hudson’s Bay Company

The Hudson’s Bay Company, founded in London in 1670 to develop the fur trade of British North America, established British claims to northern and western Canada and opened western lands to settlement.

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John Joseph Hughes (1797–1864) religious leader

As bishop (1838–50) and archbishop of New York (1850–64), John Hughes was among the most influential figures in what Roger Daniels calls the “Hibernization of the American Roman Catholic Church.”

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Huguenot immigration

French citizens who embraced the Protestant teachings of the 16th-century reformation were known as Huguenots.

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Hungarian immigration

One of the largest ethnic immigrant groups of the great migration between 1880 and 1914, Hungarians built one of the most cohesive ethnic identities in the New World.

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Hutterite immigration

The Hutterian Brethren (Hutterites) are a communal Anabaptist Protestant sect that emigrated en masse from Russia to the United States in the 1870s.

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Icelandic immigration

Sharing a common North Atlantic heritage with Canada, Iceland became one of the few source countries to send more immigrants to Canada than to the United States.

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Illegal immigration

Until the 1990s, the term most commonly used for those who entered the United States illegally was illegal alien.

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