U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)

Customs and Border Protection is the federal agency within the Border and Transportation Security Directorate (BTS) responsible for law enforcement and inspections along U.S. borders.

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Danish immigration

Though Viking Danes were probably among the first Europeans to settle North America, the first Danish settlement of lasting importance came in the 1640s, when about 500 Danes composed half the population of the Dutch New Netherlands colony.

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Delaware colony

The Delaware region was explored by Henry Hudson in 1609 as he searched for a passage to Asia.

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Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Established by the Homeland Security Act (2002), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was the administrative response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

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Department of Manpower and Immigration

The Department of Manpower and Immigration, created by the Government Organization Act of 1966, was the branch of the Canadian government responsible for administering immigration policies between 1966 and 1994.

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Detroit, Michigan

Located on the Detroit River, which separates the United States from Canada, Detroit became one of the great industrial cities of the United States by the end of the 19th century, attracting immigrant labor from eastern Europe and the Middle East.

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Dillingham Commission

Between 1907 and 1910 the Dillingham Commission, established by the U.S. government, completed a study whose findings reflected the popular opinion of many native-born Americans that new immigrants from eastern and southern Europe were less desirable than earlier immigrants from western and northern Europe.

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Displaced Persons Act (United States) (1948)

Bills to assist central European refugees were brought before Congress in 1937 and 1939, but it was not found necessary to pass new legislation because the number of refugees could be accommodated under existing legislation.

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Dominican immigration

Between 1980 and 2000, the Dominican Republic was second only to Mexico among source nations in the Western Hemisphere for immigration to the United States.

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Dominion Lands Act (Canada) (1872)

The Dominion Lands Act was designed to entice settlers to the western prairies of Canada by granting 160 acres of free land to anyone 21 years of age or older who paid a $10 registration fee, built a permanent residence, planted at least 30 acres of land, and lived on the land six consecutive months for three years.

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Douglas Thomas (1771–1820) businessman, philanthropist

Thomas Douglas, fifth earl of Selkirk, was a Whig politician and philanthropist who was deeply concerned for the welfare of Scottish crofters (tenant farmers with very small holdings) being driven from the Highlands during the clearances—the removal of former tenant farmers by legislatively “enclosing” communal lands—after 1750.

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Durham Report

Following a series of rebellions in Canada in 1837 John George Lambton, Lord Durham, was commissioned by the British government to temporarily govern Canada, to investigate the causes of discontent, and to make recommendations regarding British governance of the region.

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Dutch immigration

Coming to the Hudson River Valley of New York as early as 1614, the Dutch were among the earliest European settlers in the New World and exerted considerable political and economic influence in New York well into the 19th century.

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Ecuadorean immigration

Almost all Ecuadorean immigration to North America has occurred since the 1960s. In the U.S. census of 2000 and the Canadian census of 2001, 260,559 Americans and 8,785 Canadians claimed Ecuadorean descent.

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